
COSC 631: Web Development And Programming II

Better Essays

Frostburg State University

Cyber Crime
COSC 631 –Web Development & Programming II
By: Thanuja Gonugunta
July 31, 2015

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Cyber Crime and its Origin
1.2 Typology of Cyber Crime
1.3 Types of Cyber Crime
1.4 Impact of Cyber Crime
2.0 Concepts of Cyber Security in Cyber Crime
2.1 Cyber Security
2.2 Types of Cyber Security
2.3 Cyber Crime Prevention Strategies
3.0 Web Application security for preventing cyber crime
3.1 Declarative Security
3.2 Program Security
4.0 Web Application Vulnerabilities
4.1 SQL Injection
4.1.1 Blind SQL Injection
4.1.2 Mitigation of SQL Injection
4.2 Cross Site Scripting
4.2.1 Mitigation of css
5.0 Cyber Crime Statistics
6.0 Company and Individual Responsibility …show more content…

Copyright related offences such as copyright infringements and related rights.

1.3 Types of Cyber Crime
There are many types of Cyber Crimes. The most common Cyber Crimes are: Hacking, Theft, Cyber Stalking, Identity Theft, Malicious Software and Child Soliciting and Abuse.
Hacking: Hacking is a type of crime which involves gaining unauthorized access to a computer and changing the system in such a way as to permit continued access without the knowledge or approval of the systems owners.
Theft: Theft occurs when a person violates copyrights and downloads movies, music, software and games. There are peer sharing websites that encourages software piracy and many of these peer sharing websites are targeted by the FBI.
Cyber Stalking: Cyber Stalking is the use of electronic communications to harass or threaten someone by sending e-mails.
Identity Theft: Identity theft is a major problem with people using the internet for banking services and cash transactions. It results in major financial losses for the victim where the criminal accesses data about a person’s personal information or sensitive information to siphon the …show more content…

They are used to gain access to a system to steal data or cause damage to software present in the system.
Child Soliciting and Abuse: It is a crime where criminals solicit children through chat rooms for the purpose of child pornography.

1.4 Impact of Cyber Crime
The world has become a global village and therefore many activities like education, business, relationship formation and many other aspects relating to humans are done over internet and with cyber-crime these aspects of human have been threatened and in some cases victims lose a lot of money mainly in the e-commerce field. The effect of cyber bullying has caused many individuals to commit suicide. Loss of private data has been witnessed at the organizational and individual level causing the victims great losses when they cannot recover the data.

2.0 Concepts of Cyber Security in Cyber Crime
2.1 Cyber Security
Cyber Security is the protection applied to information, computers, computer networks, information stored therein from unauthorized access, disruption, disclosure, use, modification or destruction. It is the security provided in terms of three elements called confidentiality, availability and

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