
Capital Market And Objectives Of Corporate Governance Essay

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capital in the public markets and objectives
Corporate Governance is defined as a set of systems, processes and governing principles that guarantee that a company is in the best interest of all stakeholders. The system by which companies at casual children and also to promote a controlled and corporate equity, Transparency and Accountability. As an alternative to the "good corporate governance" is simply "a good business."
It will ultimately make that:
 Appropriate for divulgaciones decisions and will contain all of the Autonomous Community of corporate decision-effective;
 transparency in commercial transactions;
 BREACHES statutory and legal;
 Protection of the interests of the shareholders;
 Commitment to the values of ethics and business conduct.
Is the acceptance of the management rights of the shareholders of the Corporation and as inalienables Verdaderos DUEÑOS fiduciarios of shareholders as its own role. Its purpose is that a business cabo de una manera de Gaia factory llevarse para que se puede justa Conveying the maximum benefit to all stakeholders. So the asymmetry between management prevents the benefits of the various shareholders.
Good Corporate Governance aims de la junta thorns commitment to reduce the spread of guaranteed long-term value for its shareholders and the company. Corporate Goverence works to improve and protect the value of the interests of shareholders and other interest groups to improve corporate performance and responsibility. Armoniza

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