
Captone Project Reflection

Decent Essays

Hi folks, Farley here, checking in for project blog post #2.

This post's topic: Why I decided not to do a Capstone project.

First, some background. And by some, I mean a few sentences...Since my first blog post is all about that anyway.

At the beginning of this year, I was excited to start a Capstone journey. Refer back to that first blog post for a refresher. I was excited because I had an opportunity to showcase my abilities, to get an experience I would surely never have again, and make something that would mark an appropriate and empowering ending to four years of high school drudgery.

Unfortunately, I can't say that I feel that way any more. What attracted me to this project in the first place was the freedom I associated with it, an opportunity for using creativity above and beyond the normal classroom setting. I liked the idea of a project that reinforced a positive image of my classmates and I -- that we are talented, intelligent, capable young adults. However, the more I became involved with the project process, the more disappointed I became, as I realized my idea of a Capstone project is radically different from Marshall's.

I personally became disenchanted with the project because the process is much too complicated. It was overwhelming at first because I had so much information thrown at me, only …show more content…

I always felt out of the loop, and that I was being treated more like a freshman than a senior. The checkpoint assignments were so often and in such great number that I felt as though the school was suggesting we couldn't be trusted to design a good project independently. As seniors, while guidance is appreciated, I think it's unnecessary to force us to "hold hands" so closely with the school like that. After four years of this stuff, I would hope that we could be trusted to perform well, especially if we're using our passions as platforms for our

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