
Carbon Tax Controversy

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since the industrial revolution business has operated in an environment where it did not bear the full cost of production because of its capacity to externalize some of its costs through the pollution of air and water” (p. 398). He further explains that even without a comprehensive measurement of the cost, climate change has imposed significant costs arising from pollution on society.
As indicated in Figure 1, externalities are primarily as a result of the effect of carbon producing waste on the environment, where output and waste surge creating a negative effect on the environment. As consumption increases, output and waste increase resulting in amplified externalities to the society, for example, health risks associated with air pollution. A carbon tax would incentivize consumption and allow for an aggregate decrease in waste (carbon dioxide emission) output. Morris and Mathur (2014) suggest that if the carbon tax is priced in an optimal way it would allow for changes in behavior, output and waste, constructing a social optimal model, therefore positively affecting climate change.
Table 1. Externalities Related to Climate Change ** Q = Output P = Production
In addressing climate change from the market failure perspective, it is …show more content…

Scholars and policymakers have highlighted several drawbacks associated with the carbon tax in that it is not a long-term revenue source. Because a large enough tax will theoretically change behavior and decrease the use of carbon products long-term, revenue would decrease. Therefore, revenue recycling makes an economy unattractive to investors. Also, at the implementation stage, it is expected to be costly for the local governments and businesses to implement the carbon tax and the reallocation of resources after implementation. The carbon tax would also increase cost of production creating domestic and international

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