
Case Study Analysis: Jive Software Essay

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Brief Analysis
During the years 2001 to 2004 of gradual development of Jive Systems, the company solidified its status as the fastest growing SBS Company in the industry, doubling the size of its workforce since 2008 and increasing full year revenue 85% from 2008 to 2009. Throughout this period of rapid growth and expansion, Jive relied on a variety of technologies to handle their sales forecasting process. Till they realized that their structure of business changing almost daily, Jive’s eccentric system struggled to keep up.
The structure was done in a haphazard manor. They were doing quota management in Excel, bookings and sales in Sales force and pipeline analysis in Cloud9 Analytics, which resulted in lack of all the information into …show more content…

Anticipate that during the initiation phase, reps will not generate enough revenue to cover their total costs. Instead of hiring new sales reps the VP should track the productivity of existing reps approaching the point where they cover their total costs. Post that if necessary one should consider expanding the sales force.

2. Evaluate the strategy of using team vs. individual coverage/quota models. What are the pros and cons of each approach? Suggest an alternative coverage/quota mode

In the Jive case study we see that when Dennis Deveny and Sarah Denman worked as a team, the sales strategy was going on the right track till the VP introduced more sales players. But however using a team is more effective as they can split up responsibilities and cover areas that they are capable also making it less time consuming. With respect to team coverage quota models - Depends on if they are the same job role or not - if it's two of the same role (i.e. two Field Reps vs. one Field Rep paired with an Inside Rep), then the following applies: Pros: Obvious alignment and cooperation in rep activity and reduction in rep conflict on deals resulting in no commission and credit fights. Cons: Diluted responsibility, much easier to overpay for sales influence per $ of revenue, much easier to overpay for lower levels of performance, if quota relief is ever given it can reward the wrong person, etc.

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