
Case Study Of Shania Should First Think About Key Business Decisions Asking Questions

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Shania should first think about key business decisions asking questions such as: What kind of business do I want? Who is my ideal customer? How will I set up the legal structure of my business? What taxes do I need to pay? As an entrepreneur and potential new business owner I would advise her to first speak with a business lawyer. She seems to have quite the support from loved ones: one following in her Christian faith, while the other is a non-believer in the Christian faith.
Forms of Business – Limited Liability Partnership
A partnership is the best form of business given Shania’s situation. She has support from all angles that want to help her Christian coffee shop be a success. A limited liability partnership is best suited for Shania because of her possible partnerships with her husband, sister, and neighbor. According to the Limited Partnership (2015) article, this form of business is a “voluntary association where one or more partners contribute capital only, and those partners play no role in management.” Her husband wanted to make a contribution to Shania’s business but not in the lane of management, so by using this partnership he can still contribute his capital and maintain his partnership. The liability is limited to the amount of capital that the partner contributes. As a “silent partner” Marvin can make investments with the company, but not have any voting power or control over day-to-day operations.
According to the “management of a limited partnership

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