
Castro: The Cuban Revolution

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Castro started his life with a family that was well off, which he gave up to fight for what he believed in. He fought for freedom and became what he fought to begin with. Castro was born Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz to Lina Ruz Gonzalez and Angel Castro y Argiz on his father’s farm near Birán (Schlesinger). In late 1945 Castro went to University of Havana to study law and became immersed in the political climate of Cuba (Boadle).Castro finally gave control of Cuba to his brother in 2006 due to no longer being able to run the country(Boadle). Fidel Castro, the child of a well-off spanish-born landowner, established the first communist state in the western hemisphere, overthrew the dictatorship of Fulguero Bastita, and ruled for five decades …show more content…

On July 26, 1953 Castro led an armed uprising on Fulgencio Batista, a military dictator, and was captured in a failed attack on Moncada Barracks(Boadle). At his trial he said, “History will absolve me,” he was granted amnesty and started going to mexico after being let out of prison(Boadle). Castro, along with 81 other revolutionaries land in Cuba on a yacht, all but 12 were captured, but twelve survivors including Fidel’s brother Raul and Ernesto Guevara regrouped in the Sierra Maestra mountains and from there they launched a Guerrilla war(Boadle). Their efforts finally paid off on January 1, 1959 …show more content…

On June 12 in 2002, Castro had a march along the Havana waterfront along with one million other Cubans to defend the socialist system against people who disagreed with it, such as the U.S. and dissidents in Cuba (Boadle).To protect what Castro spent a majority of his leadership to keep, Castro made socialism irrevocable on June 26, 2002 (Boadle). He then began to jail people who disagreed with socialism in March of 2003 (Boadle). After this his health started to decline eventually leading to him giving the power to his brother Raul in 2006

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