
Causes And Consequences Of Child Abuse

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Introduction Child abuse is an all too common social problem in our society. Historically, child abuse has always been present, however, most commonly ignored due to parents being able to do what they please with their children who were viewed as one’s property. Today, this is no longer the case due to various laws and consequences towards the abuse of a child. As an illustration, child abuse is commonly presented in four categories: neglect, physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Firstly, neglect is concerned with “the failure on the part of the caretaker to meet the child’s basic needs” (Crosson-Tower, 2004). This type of abuse commonly takes a toll on the child’s physical appearance. For example, a child showing up to school in clothes that aren’t appropriate for the current weather outside or hygienic problems such a child having lice. Secondly, physical abuse “refers to a nonaccidental physical injury to a child” (21). More importantly, children who face physical abuse often times learn association in which they associate their parent’s loud voice to being hit. Bruises, burns, or sensitivity to pain can depict such abuse. Moreover, the abused child may show behavioral indicators such as over compliance, destructive behavior towards self and others, showing up to school early and leaving late (fear of being at home), always being on guard towards adults (fearfulness) (24). Sexual abuse is defined as “sexual involvement imposed upon a child by an adult who has

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