
Cell Phones While Driving Thesis

Decent Essays

Thesis on Cell Phone Use
Despite an effective way of communication, using cell phones during driving results in the distracted attention of driver increasing road safety concerns.
Nearly everyone is using cell phones in their day routine lives. Cell phones have now become less of a novelty and more of a communication tool providing many utilities all in one package, from camera, video games, internet and apps; they combine business and personal convenience. As studies have shown the dangerous effects of using cell phones during driving is strictly unadvisable and illegal, I would assume that people would put down their phones and concentrate on driving while operating a motor vehicle. Apparently this is not so, “According to Saskatchewan …show more content…

“A distracted driver may fail to see up to 50% of the available information in the driving environment. You may look but not actually “see” what is happening. Focus of the driver is not on the road or traffic and it becomes difficult to handle phone and vehicle at one time. Cell phones during driving also reduce the mental capacity of drivers as they fail to concentrate on minor or major activities happening around them. Cell phones distract drivers' attention resulting in comparatively slow response to traffic signals and other related traffic events. Studies have shown the fact that breaking reaction time is also slower while talking on a cell phone during driving. The perception, vision, general awareness, and concentration of the driver are impacted while communicating on a cell phone during driving. Especially during bad weather or driving on slippery roads, drivers engaging in conversation pay less attention to these areas increasing risks of fatal accidents. Drivers assume that hand free devices are safe to use. The main advantage to avoid using cell phone during driving is ensuring safety of driver, vehicle, and other people driving on the road. By making conversation, it is pertinent to highlight that hands-free phones have also similar negative impacts during driving; both distracts attention, although hands-free cell phones do not require manual …show more content…

If so, what can a company do to mitigate this risk? Employers and vehicle owners could be held vicariously liable for payment of fines or damages arising from an injury or accident deemed to have been caused by a driver’s inattention to driving while manipulating a hand-held device. I would recommend that vehicle owners issue a no hand-held policy to drivers prohibiting use of hand-held devices operating a car, except in accordance with permitted hands-free technology such as Bluetooth. It is expected that if a driver involved in an accident was found to be using a hand-held device at the time of a collision, such unlawful use may more likely be deemed to be the cause of an accident and possibly result in a higher award of damages against such a driver and employer. Delivery of a no hand-held policy to drivers could exempt employers from vicarious liability.
Are there any benefits to cell phone usage and driving? There are benefits to having a cell phone in the vehicle, keeping in mind that it is not used while actually driving. The most important benefit of cell phones during driving is the security factor. During emergency situations cell phones can provide help and driver can make emergency calls, even reporting any dangerous scenario such as roadside accidents. Through cell phones a driver can locate

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