
Certainty Of Rene Descartes

Decent Essays

Rene Descartes Rene Descartes was a philosopher of the 17th century. He had this keen interest in the search for certainty. For he was unimpressed with the way philosophy is during their time. He mused that nothing certain was coming forth from all the philosophical ideologies. He had considered that the case which philosophy was in was due to the fact that it was not grounded to something certain. He was primarily concerned with intellectual certainty, meaning that something that is certain through the intellect. Thus he was named a rationalist due to this the line of thought that he pursued. But in his work in the meditation, his method of finding this certainty was skeptical in nature; this is ‘the methodic doubt’. Rene Descartes had attempted to find that something which is certain to. Only to find that our senses are unreliable and our senses can be deceived. He did find that something from which he is fairly certain about, which is the ‘Cogito’. “Cogito ergo sum” which is often translated as, “I think, therefore I am.” This can be better translated as, “I am thinking, therefore I exists.” This world-renowned saying has been called as the ‘First …show more content…

He had assumed this for in his search of finding that something which is certain, he had a “eureka” moment of realization that the one thinking for the certain is that something which is the certain. Cogito is the mind. So if we use our definition of certainty, “that something which is a hundred percent not doubtful, and is upheld and assured with information that is acquired from this world,” the ‘cogito’ is still fit to have that definition. We could say that it is a hundred percent not doubtful, for if we doubt the self, it just strengthens the claim, that the self, is the one doubting. I believe Rene had use the term, ‘indubitable.’ The ‘cogito’ is the indubitable

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