
Challenges Facing The Workforce Program Managers

Decent Essays

There are major challenges confronting the workforce program managers and executives that are focused on staffing. In this area a common language must be ensured to support hiring practices. The lack of common words and definitions can cause serious communication concerns between program managers and suppliers of benchmarking workforce programs across organizations. In order to help prevent these issues, lexicon suggests a set of “working definitions to be use by program managers (American Staffing Association 2015, para.1). Some of these terms are used in various ways among sectors, or implement definitions are subject to debate. In these areas, there are multiple definitions that can clarify the issues. This documentation can bring new employees up to standards and ensure comprehension among parties, without legal procedures. These legal terms, can be relevant to the staffing of Human Resource industries. What are the industries’ recommended standards for staffing? Being a member of the American Staffing Association, each member should pledge their support of, and comply with the principles and practices of the association. Members must acknowledge and comply with the laws and practices of the association. The compliance requires that members recognize the laws and regulations that are applicable to their business. Also members should demonstrate dignity and respect to all applicants and employees, and equal employment opportunities, based on the company’s job

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