
Chapter 14 In Development Of Children Essay

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This week in class we had a discussion about Early Childhood, Read Chapter 14 in Development of Children and Adolescents, and had our first debate over our topics. My topic was “Are Father’s Really Necessary?”, and I had argued the “No” side. Next thursday we will be doing the same topic, but arguing the other side. One of the questions this week was, “When children are being “aggressive”, what should be done about the situation.” When children are being agressive you should sit them down and ask them questions about the situation. You could ask them, Does it feel good when someone hits you? You can also ask the child what upset the to make them act in a violent way. If it is something that can be fixed easily by switching activites, it should be done so. Over 20% of children under the age of seven have behavior/ school problems. The ratio would be 3-4/ 5, 5-7/ 8 being the ratio between kids with behavior problems to the number of teachers that should be accounted for. On …show more content…

Observation is the process of seeing something or someone carefully in order to gain information. Modeling is the art or activity of making three-dimensional objects. At this age, the ability to access and initiate things independently start to engage (initiative stage). This is where Piaget’s preoperrational stage comes into effect. During this stage children begin to engage in symbolic play and learn to manipulate objects. Symbolic play is the ability to use objects, actions, or ideas to represent other actions, objects, or ideas. Children use one object to represent anohter object and engage in one or two simple actions of pretend play. Parallel play is a form of play in which children play adjacent to each other, but do not try to influence one another’s behavior. Children usually play alone during parallel play but are interested in what other children are

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