
Character Analysis Of Remember The Titans

Decent Essays

In the film “Remember the Titans” head coach H. Boone exhibits many perspectives of an effective leader of change. He embraces natural tactics of being Real, Relevant, and Relatable as a way of implementing change amongst these divided young men.
As a leader you must be real with yourself and others for fake will not fix or implement change. In his position Herman Boone was real in a sense that he was genuinely honest and upfront in every encounter with others, he does not sugar coat things or beat around the bush, and instead of telling you what you want to hear, he tells you what you need to know. At times though it seems that Boone’s raw emotions such as his attitude, assertiveness and arrogance are a bit too real, we are able to see that they are key components in how he establishes his sense of urgency throughout the organization. At the start of the movie, the sense of urgency created by Boone’s attitude almost lead the team in the wrong direction, as the players did not respect or understand the way he went about doing things. For example, before the players leave for camp Boone is approached by Bertier about positions on the team, in the midst of the conversation Boone says “You take a look at her. Cause once you step on that bus you aint got your mama no more. You got your brothers on the team and you got your daddy. You know who your daddy is, doncha? Gary, if you want to play on this football team, you answer me when I ask you who is your daddy?” Statements such as these do not usually sit well with others, many including myself would find this very disrespectful. On the other hand Coach Boone’s ability to be real with himself as well as others allows him to express raw emotion and concern that explains his reasoning behind his actions, As shown in the scene after the first game when Yoates challenges Coach Boone’s public criticism in regards to Petey, he replies “you think you’re doing these boys a favor, by taking them aside every time I come down on them…I may be a mean cuss but I’m the same mean cuss with everyone on that football field the world does not give a damn how sensitive these kids are…you are crippling them” the tough love shown by Coach Boone towards his players expresses a real

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