
Characteristics Of A Good Coach Essay

Decent Essays

Characteristics of a good coach

1. Keep Vision and Values Front and Centre. The coach is visionary and lives life by adhering to core values. He should have very real strength of character and commitment to personal integrity and honesty.
Winning at any point should never come at the expense of values. 2. Think Deeply about and Pursue Holistic Education The coach sees himself as preparing people not only for achievement in sport, but through sport for a life of personal fulfilment and for the enrichment of community. 3. Dedicated to Life-Long Personal Development and Professionalism The coach tirelessly pursues personal education, formally and informally, both in the performance related sciences and in liberal arts. He sees the journey to coaching excellence as a never ending story; seen not only in terms of a chosen sport and coaching theory and practice, but in understanding how to successfully live a balanced and full life, while facing tougher and tougher challenges in the chosen field of endeavour. 4. Mentally Tough The coach is focussed, determined, tenacious, hard – even ruthless- but never cruel. His resolve to overcome all obstacles and challenges in pursuit of the agreed goal is unshakeable. No matter how many setbacks, he has the resilience to keep coming back, to keep fighting. He always has heart for the fight. He persistently seeks for the advantage and no matter how small that is, he will seize it and maximise its value. He is devoted to

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