
Chemistry In The Avenger

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This was my third time watching The Avengers, however I feel like I was watching it my first time as I was depicting out all the chemistry aspects of the movie. I found so many new things that I hadn't seen before, and I found out that chemistry isn't like most math classes. It isn't something you just learn for a test and never use again. Even if you don't know it, you are using chemistry in your everyday life, such as breathing. Immediately in the beginning there were numerous physical changes such as the building where the Tesseract was held. At first it stood tall, soon to later be engulfed in suffocating flames, turning it into a crumbled mess. In addition to that something else that involves flames is combustion. There was also a lot of combustion throughout this movie, such as, the aircraft, ship being blown up to some extent, and the grenade being blown up. Combustion is oxygen mixed with heat and often carbon dioxide to create a fire. This was also a direct representation of physical change, because they change form …show more content…

I had no idea chemistry affected this much of my life, so it was extremely mind opening. Before I took this class, when I had saw the movie, I just saw the superficial part of the movie. It was cool to see some action, and a plot of some superheroes saving humans. However, with the concept of chemistry, it broadened my understanding of the movie, and unlocked some new things I hadn’t seen at first. This defiantly changed my point of view on chemistry for the best, because it cool to think about how it applies to little aspects and how chemistry makes up of life. Furthermore, The Avengers presented many ways chemistry plays in our everyday life. This movie incorporated a lot of chemistry aspects, whether it was drinking a bubbly or carbonated drink, or a tall building collapsing into tiny pieces. This movies exemplified the fact that chemistry is not just some subject we take chemistry is

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