
Child Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem

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Child abuse is a worldwide problem. According to the Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, it is interpreted as any recent act of failure to act the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, which is an action or the failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm. Abuse comes in many forms such as: emotional, physical, sexual, verbal and neglect. Neglect is the failure to care properly; It has been proven as the most common form of maltreatment. Furthermore, some foresee physical abuse is just getting bruised up or thrown around or hurt in an aggressive way; however, physical abuse can not only be physically traumatizing, but also emotionally traumatizing. Physical assaults are usually paired with verbal insults and unreasonable expectations. Although it is difficult to detect a child abuser, the problem is more frequent than many people think and abuse of a minor in any way is extremely perverse.
Many problems of child abuse are demonstrated in various manners, all which are horrendous, but some worse than others. Detecting that a child is living in an unsafe environment or being harmed in any way is very difficult. This is why there are so many children being hurt today. Abuse can take place in a child 's home, in organizations, schools or communities that children interact with. Abuse to a child in any way can in fact affect the children in their futures. For example, “An infant

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