
Child Abuse and Neglect

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The topic of child abuse is one of the hardest topics to write about. It is imperative to have a profound understanding of this topic and its consequences specially when working in the field of human services. Professionally and personally, I have encountered situations where child abuse is present. This reality has touched my life in many ways and these experiences continue shaping me as a human being and as social service provider. I will try to cover in this paper the subject of child abuse, its definitions, and the scope of the problem and the proper prevention of it. First it all it would be important to define some terms related to child abuse. It is imperative to have a common understanding of the many terms related …show more content…

It also is believed that emotional neglect has surpassing consequences and effects of the one physical abuse may cause. Inadequate nurturing or affection, exposure to domestic violence and permission of drug abuse and isolation are the most predominant. Lastly is educational neglect which may include encouraged chronic truancy, failure to register a child or to home school or failure to enroll to special education programs. (DiPanfiles, 2006) On the other hand abuse is more related to the use of power with the intention of maltreatment both physically and physiologically. According to the Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect: The Foundation for Practice, “child abuse is any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation” as mentioned on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Abuse has two main types, physical and sexual abuse. According to Goldman, Salus, Wolcott, and Kennedy (2003) physical abuse is mostly recognized by physical injury, contusions and fractures. Whereas is by hitting, punching, biting, shaking, slapping, burning and other. Sexual abuse is usually sexual acts and behavior involving children. Sexual abuse includes touching and non-touching offenses and the most commonly reported is incest. There also has been an influx of sexual abuse by

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