
Child Labor

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“Child labor”
Elie Bou Chaaya

ENL 110 Section “D” Miss Zeina Fayyad
18, January, 2008

Thesis statement: Child labor nowadays is considered to be a social injustice due to its harmful effects on the personal and psychological life of the child where the kinds of work offered to the child increases the amount of these effects regarding the solutions. I. Harmful personal and physical effects of child labor A. Low pay B. Very long work hours C. Forbids children right in education D. Physical harm 1. Increased risk of accidents 2. Working in unregulated environments where little attention is paid 3. Violence exerted by adults on children 4. Risk of illness from …show more content…

In addition to that, one of the most important side effects is that working children may experience physical harm in a number of ways. These include an increased risk of accidents; children and young people often work in unregulated environments where little attention is paid to safety. Working children often experience violence in the workplace from adult staff and managers. Children and young people working in the street are also at risk of physical violence from police officers and other authority figures. Risk of illness from poor hygiene and exposure to bad weather can also be witnessed. Therefore, child labor involves the following characteristics: it violates a nation’s minimum age laws, involves intolerable abuse, such as child slavery, child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities, prevents children from going to school, and uses children to undermine labor standards (December, 2007). Child labor can also be developmentally, emotionally, and physically abusive. Child workers are more vulnerable than adult workers, leaving them at risk for exploitation, dangerous and abusive conditions. In many parts of the world, it too often involves confinement, bondage, and forced labor; it frequently involves dangerous and unhealthy working conditions. Children work longer hours have lower pays than adults. Some children are sold into labor

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