
Child Psychology Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I acknowledge that my shift of professional focus from legal to psychology may appear unusual. However, one must understand the context in which my career path was shaped. While I have enjoyed and excelled in my work as a Legal Assistant/ Office Manager, for many years now I have felt unfulfilled, and that I had much more to offer. I have seen time and again, clients that are facing legal issues solely because of unaddressed psychological and emotional difficulties. While I was handling every aspect of administration, in a number of capacities, my heart had always wanted to be on the other side of the equation, working with the client through their most trying times, and not just facilitating an efficient office. Albeit, working in various professional positions, I had the chance to work in a …show more content…

I am attracted to UVA by the strong emphasis on research and methodology. In researching UVA, the work of Drs. Amanda Williford and Dewey Cornell particularly piqued my interest. I read the American Psychologist, which exposed me to some of Dr. Cornell’s work on bullying. I would be interested in further pursuing work in child psychology because it is at this stage when a person's personal identity begins to build up, as children are easily influenced by their environment and what they learn from experiences, they carry their entire lives. I desire the opportunity to understand, put words to, theories and models of understanding to what I have seen, to be able to get inside their minds, and appreciating why they behave in the ways that they do. Dr. Williford's research in assessment and treatment of young children and her prevention work with high risk adolescents is very much what I am interested in doing. Working with Dr. Williford, would be an excellent way for me to improve my research abilities as well as learn more about creating and working with measures to assess a child’s

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