
Childhood And Emotional Regulations : A Critical Review

Decent Essays

Key Article - Mother–child attachment, emotion regulation, and anxiety symptoms in middle childhood by LAURA E. BRUMARIU, KATHRYN A. KERNS, AND ASHLEY SEIBERT(2012)

Critical review


Attachment, anxiety in childhood and emotional regulations:
A critical review


In this critical review a critique would be made on the article :Mother–child attachment, emotion regulation, and anxiety symptoms in middle childhood by LAURA E. BRUMARIU, KATHRYN A. KERNS, AND ASHLEY SEIBERT(2012) In order to have a deeper understanding of the critique we have to understand how attachment theory have contributed in the understanding of human development and how it interprets childhood anxiety disorders.
One very important perspective of how the human development can be seen is the one of the attachment theory(Bowlby 1969) ' 'Attachment can be defined simply as an emotional con- connection to someone, evidenced by proximity seeking, feelings of security in the persons’ presence, and protest on separation from this attachment figure ' ',(Margaret S. StroebeJohn Archer2013)Before Bowlby 's revolutionary theory, scientists used to believe that the child is attached with his mother just because she is taking care of the baby 's basic biological needs(e.g. Hunger) that it was a secondary drive(ref from dev book)bowlby was the first who proved that the attachment between the infant and the care giver is a primary drive,something

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