
Childhood Obesity : An Epidemic

Decent Essays

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is more than a major issue in the United States: it is an epidemic. The number of overweight and obese children in America has increased at an alarming rate over the past years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years [1]. American Heart Association stated, “Today one in three American kids and teens are overweight or obese; nearly triple the rate in 1963” [5]. Unfortunately, this affects our children physically, mentally, and long-term.

Obesity is not specifically just being a few pounds overweight. A child is considered obese when his or her weight, compared to height, is abnormal by ten pounds or more. This is a growing issue in children ages 7-17 and is getting worse. The most effective methods of hindering this epidemic are by mandating a quality and nutritious school lunch program, increasing childhood activity initiatives, and educating caretakers at home. Schools play an important role in promoting physical activity and healthy eating habits, which are a fundamental component of the American educational experience. Mrs. Michelle Obama’s “We Can” program is great for children in every shape and form [4]. The “We Can” program stands for ways to enhance children 's activity & nutrition. It is a national movement designed to give parents, caregivers, and entire communities a way to help children 8 to 13

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