
Chinese Women Vs American Women Research Paper

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In studying Chinese women and American women the research clearly shows that there are some similarities than differences in the areas of legal rights, education, employment, domestic life and health care. Subcultures can add variations to the average women in both cultures, but for the most part American women have fought for women’s right for a longer period of time and now enjoy more cultural freedoms then the Chinese women that are just beginning to fight for them freedoms.

China has Programs for the Development of Chinese Women which identifies six areas for development towards gender equality. Woman Rights laws in the USA have very similar areas they are protecting such as the right to bodily integrity, vote, work, birth control, property …show more content…

Arranged marriages are still common, although most women choose their life partners. The legal marriageable age is 20 years for women and twenty-two years for men. Women choose their own partners in the United States, except in cases where recent immigrant families may still hold on to traditions from their home countries. Polygamy is neither legal nor socially acceptable in the United States and legal marring age is 18 years old without parental consent. Even though the laws in china have changed allowing them the right to choose many women still feel a lot of pressure to marry the man that their family has chosen for …show more content…

The government has made easily available all kinds of contraceptives and birth control methods, including abortion, and women frequently utilize them. Despite the high usage of permanent forms of birth control, China still has a high abortion rate of 28 percent. The abortion rate among unmarried women also remains high. Like China, Birth control is available and widely used, most sexually-active women in the United States use some form of contraceptive if they want to avoid getting pregnant. In 1973, the US Supreme Court ruled that states could not place "undue" restrictions on women seeking abortions. The law does vary from state to state, and some restrictions do exist. More than 20 states require parental consent for underage girls, and one, South Dakota, recently passed a statewide ban on abortion except in cases where the woman’s life is in danger. Women who have the resources can travel to states with less restrictive laws if needed. Abortion is a volatile issue in the United States, with deep political and ethical

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