
Choosing Consent

Decent Essays

Throughout the decades, some people believed that patients should allow examinations and/or samplings of tissues or organs on their body for the benefit of future patients. Others believed that patients have the choice of choosing if there will be samples taken from their body. This has been a topic of discussion that has begun to escalate over the years. Choosing between whether consent from a patient is important or not is a huge matter. Patients should be able to choose if they want their body to be performed on. For example, in the movie Phenomenon, George did not want his body to be operated on while he was still alive. George choose that way but the doctor went to court to get permission to still perform the surgery against George’s saying for the purpose of medical research (Source D). The doctor went against George’s permission all because the doctor wanted to know how his brain operated with the unique condition that George had. This is a great example of …show more content…

These people think that the patient’s body is the government's property and they can do anything to the body even if it means taking samples without the person’s consent. They think that the samples or examinations will become a future benefit for patients.There is an example of this in Frankenstein. In Frankenstein, Victor takes dead but fresh bodies and performs experiments on them without their families consent (Source A). Victor did these experiments to see if he could potential make a ------ human. Victor was one of the people that thought that he didn’t need to ask for consent to be able to experiment on people. In conclusion, some people think that patients should not have to give consent in order for them to have examinations and/or samples performed on them. Others believe patients have the choice whether there will be examinations and/or samples carried out on

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