
Christian Worldview: The Question Of Origin

Decent Essays

Part I.
What is A Worldview?
There are many different ways to completely define the term “Worldview”. To actually have a worldview it means that you have built a particular opinion of life. The opinions that have been created will help in the development of ideas or decisions as well as how the world around you is perceived. No two people will have the same worldview, most people live their lives. (Open Bible, 2015)

Part II The Biblical/Christian Worldview
The Question of Origin

The question of Origin asks, “Where did I come from?” In Genesis, Christians believe that mankind was created by the one and only sovereign God. (Open Bible, 2015) Based on my reading, which also was in the book of Genesis, Christians worldview maintain that …show more content…

Why do I exist?”

The Christian world view on life meaning and purpose is basic and yet different from other world views. Our main resolution in life is to work for God and have a strong connection with him at all times. First and foremost God desires to come first, and all else will tumble into place as long as we believe in him and have complete faith in him also. It is printed that we can only have one master (Matthew 6:24) and for that reason, God believes that serving him must be the highest significant thing for us to do with our period here on earth. (Christian Bible Reference Site)

The Question of Morality

Another prime part of foundation is how we base what is good and what is evil. This is the basis for morality. (Hayes, 2008) Moral law is at the core of our definitions of our worldview. The Bible does tell us that there is a moral law that is instilled into our hearts. At this core we have the one who created this moral law, God. This moral law is part of our nature and it is outlined very clearly in scripture. Most of the Sermon on the Mount, delivered by Jesus to the masses, outline in Matthew 5: 21-48, 6: 1-34, 7: 1-6 (Open Bible, 2015) This chapter in the New testament is really a moral code that we should be living our lives by. Jesus was also clear that he was not there to destroy the old law. But he was there to fulfill it. Most of the Gospels give further defining information on what is considered …show more content…

A biblical worldview encourages people to consider the great love that God has for them and all the ways he extends forgiveness and patience to those exercising faith in him. Luke 10:27 encourages Christians to love thy neighbor as thyself. This principle suggests that tenderness, kindness and love should be shown to others in thought, word, and deed just as God shows it to his children. The Christian worldview offers that God has a role for everyone to fill and a will for their lives. Proverbs 3:5­6 encourages Christians to look for God s direction in all things and not to lean unto their own understanding. Through thoughtful prayer and introspection the direction one should take in life that will make full use of his or her talents and gifts will be revealed. It should, of course, be work of an honest nature and morally appropriate for a true Christian (Growing Christian Resources, 2015) (Open Bible,

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