
Civil Disobedience Necessary

Decent Essays

"Anyone in a free society where the laws are unjust has an obligation to break the law." -Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau wholeheartedly agreed with the idea of questioning a law that many find unjust, and many agree with him. Citizens that engage in Civil Disobedience are not overextending any form of right, but are in fact using the ones given to them by their constitution. Also, by engaging in civil disobedience, citizens are criticizing their government, something that was encouraged in the Greek and Roman republics which the United States bases the government upon.
Civil Disobedience is remarkably effective without the violence that many had thought necessary. Several famous examples include the Salt March of Mahatma Gandhi, the Civil Rights movement of Martin Luther King Jr., and even the sit-ins of the factory workers during the industrial revolution. Although, many still argue that civil …show more content…

Those politicians and inhabitants of the first thirteen colonies that had fought the war against Britain, thought it important, based on their own experiences, that their citizens be able to question their government. After the issues with the power of the British Monarchy, they sought out to prevent another abuse of power and set their own government to reflect this necessary freedom. Today, people migrate to America in droves to gain this freedom, for where they had come from, they would have been killed. It is not a freedom to be taken for granted, seeing as it had done so much for the minorities of the United States, and while it isn't perfect yet, with more Civil Disobedience it could be.
Overall, Civil Disobedience is an important part of the United States and what it is. If America did not have the laws protecting those who had protested against the crimes of the government, it would not have made the progress that it has. Civil Disobedience is a part of the American Dream and must be protected as

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