
Clan Malkavian's Insanity

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Clan Malkavian being a particularly strange clan. Very difficult to quantify, very difficult to sterotype, because that don't really have anything in common with each other... except insanity. But to say Malkavians have insanity in common with each other is a bit of a loose term. One person who has scophrinzia has a very different voice in his head to the next person with scophrinzia. And that person's voice is telling them to do very different things to the next person who's got scophrinzia. The person who's got depression, has got depression brought on by something very different to the next person with depression; that mainfests varying symtoms to the next person with depression. So saying Malkavian's have insanity with each other …show more content…

And Malkav would never know the answers to his questions again - yet at the same time, he'll know the answer to every question in the world. Such knowing broke his mind. He knew all of the answers but none of the questions. Despite succor offered to him by his brothers, Set and Saluot, he became a raving mess. A seer of great power from time- to-time, but also a derange maniac from others. Saluot went out to try and find a cure for his derange brother, never returning - leaving Malkav to the tender mercies of his brother Set. Eventually Malkav grew to such a state that he sunk into torpor; some say below Jeresulam, some say somewhere of a more remote location. But needless to say, all of his childer, all of his childer's childer, all the way through to the neonates of the Final Nights, share the insanity of Malkav. The answers. They can see the answers, they have the dicispline of Auspex. They can see things that are just beyond reach. But do they know the question that lead to those answers? Who knows? The Malkavians are one of the founding clans of the Camarilla - one of the biggest sects in the Masquerade, in the era of Vampire. But that's not …show more content…

The Malkavians are the same. Often predjuce against, but strong allies should they have cause to actually follow you into battle. Clan Malkavian, a clan of lunatics with nothing in common with each other, what so ever.. except for the fact that they are all utterly insane. And the power of their Antideluvian is coarsing through their cloged arteries - joining them all together; Antitribu and Camarilla clan all at the same time. And if that doesn't scare you, it should. Because there is not a clan, other than clan Malkavian, that shares that common bond. You could say the Tzimisce. There are no Tzimisce in the Camarilla, there's about five or six Tzimisce that are independant. But they are still independant ones, and Tzimisce are so terrorial they don't like to mingle with each other. The Giovani are closely linked to each other. After all when they blackmail each other with, you know, torments that will be visited on their corpses or their spirit. But Giovant can be bought. Giovani can betray each other. The Malkavians are linked by blood on a wholey different level than any other clan. So bare that in mind if you run across one. If you insult

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