
Climate Change : The Causes And Effects Of Global Warming

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What is global warming? Over the past 50 years, the average temperature of the earth’s has increased at the fastest rate ever recorded. And scientists notice a trend is beginning. The earth hasn’t been this hot since 2000. People who deny climate change have argued that there has been pause in increase of temperatures, but studies have shown from a paper published in 2015, has disproved this claim. Scientists say that unless we stop using harmful emissions, the average U.S. temperatures could increase by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit within the next century. Global warming occurs when CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb the sunlight and the light collected bounces off the earth’s surface. Normally, it would escape into space, but the pollutants get trapped between the ozone and the surface of earth. This causes a greenhouse effect which raises the temperature of the earth. These temperatures can be very harmful to the environment (MacMillan). These CO2 emissions and green house gases come from things that we use everyday. Though these all increase the hole in the ozone layer, CFC’s are considered the main reason we have the hole. Most CFCs are found in old air conditioners and refrigerators but not anymore. This is because scientist have figured out that this CFC chemical was very harm full to our planet. CFC was a chemical created in the 50’s that kept fridges and air conditioners cold. The harm that it caused to the Ozone layer

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