
Coach Ferrer: A Career As A Basketball Coach

Decent Essays

Growing up, I wasn’t the most popular or the coolest kid in town. I didn’t pull off the most girls nor was I at the cream of the crop of with my competitors when it came to the game of basketball. However, when it comes down to things people will remember me for, being my own individual will certainly be at the top of the list. The fact I was always the type of person to stay in my own lane is something I take pride in. In other words, making my own moves as opposed to following suit upon someone else’s was always a priority in my eyes. It’s the vision of people possibly looking up to me that drives me to keep striving in that direction to reach those pinnacles of being a leader. It’s very clear that the term leadership can be defined …show more content…

The way I watched him orchestrate a team through ups and downs over a four year period was something that I will never forget. Even with this being said, we both had our similarities and differences when it came to leadership. Coach Ferrer always had the mindset of winning. This included him looking at goals from a strategic perspective and dream really big. It came with a lot of encouragement, honesty, and an extreme height of pressure. Not to say that it didn't work most of the time, but did have a few let downs in the biggest moments. Due to the fact that I always experienced switch ups when it comes to plans, I tend to not think ahead so much. I rather stay in the moment and let things progress that way. This is very ironic because coach Ferrer was actually the one who taught me how to think of the present task to accomplish and staying in the moment. The two thing we without question have in common is commitment and communication. ‘The author highlights the importance of effective communication, building trust and maintain accountability for effective leadership”. (White, Pg.1). This quote relates to the type of player/coach bond me and Coach Ferrer had but more importantly how we connected as leaders. Our high school was not highly known on the NYC market. This brings up many questions upon why I haven't transferred from that school following my freshman year. I saw something in my coach and my team. I had visioned us as a collective group doing something really special and making history. This was the reason why I stayed and also why my coach stayed as well. This example shows how driven we were to lead this basketball program and help others within a few

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