
Cognitive Development Theory Essay

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A. Cognitive Development Theory In a general sense the theory of cognitive development is not just a single theory but a number of theories offered by a number of cognitive psychologists over the past century. In summary though, cognitive development is the processes by which learning is developed by the construction of thought processes, memory, solving problems, decision-making and covers the life span from childhood to adulthood, but learning does not necessarily stop with adulthood. This construction process is clinically known as “Constructivism”. In constructivism it is not the world, or society that is developing a child but it is the child that is taking in information and constructing themselves with the information that the …show more content…

This progression is processed by assimilation, and/or accommodation. Assimilation is when information about the world is incorporated into the child’s existing schema. Accommodation is when a new schema is formed in order to understand information about the world. For Piaget infants are born with pre-determined schemas, but as assimilation ad accommodation occurs these pre-existing schemas are replaced with constructed schemas. When the child is relaxed and comfortable then there is balance between a child’s schemas and the world around them (Huitt, W., & Hummel, J., 2003). In Piaget’s stages of age development he labeled them as the sensori-motor, the pre-operational, the concrete operational, and the formal operational stage and regardless of the child’s social background they must go through these stages in order to develop cognitively. He used two primary examples to illustrate that children from any society go through these stages. The first such example is when a child is in the pre-operational stage is presented with a quantity of something in one form, but they are unable to recognize the same quantity in a different form. Or that a young child’s egocentrism prevents them from recognizing that other people have different opinions about the same

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