
Collaborative Learning : A Variety Of Instructional Practices

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Collaborative learning refers to ‘a variety of instructional practices that encourage students to work together as they apply course material to answer questions, solve problems, or create a project’ (Colbeck et al. 2000, p.60). Collaborative learning is a form of group work and recognised among educators, it has been a successful learning strategy from an educational point of view. This student-centered learning strategy is implemented in the learning process and generally seem to have brought many benefits to students. Thus, Arnold and Boggs (2011) defined that group is ‘a gathering of two or more individuals, who share a common purpose, meet over substantial period of time, in face to face interaction, to achieve an identifiable goal’. …show more content…

1995; Springer et el. 1999, as cited in Hillyard, Gillespie & Littig, 2010, p.10). As students do assignment in a form of group, brainstorming for the given assignment is everybody’s responsibility, everyone shares diverse perspectives, hence, it also shares the workload rather than handling it individually. Furthermore, group work enhances the motivation to learn, retention of knowledge, depth of learning and appreciation of the subject being taught (Felder and Brent 1996, p.43). Yet, student will have to put themselves physically and spiritually in group work, as they will get to do a lot of discussions in together, interactions between each group member, the exchange of opinions will increase the desire to learn new knowledges or opinions. As far from the survey of sophomore, junior and senior students from four different disciplines by Phipps et al. (2001), carried out that interpersonal small group skills were rated positively, unfortunately, cooperative learning in general was rated negatively. It is obvious that students prefer small group learning rather than learning in a form of class but individually. Groupwork also promotes students to learn actively (Ruel et al. 2003). By learning actively, students can improve perceptions and attitudes towards information literacy (Detlor et al. 2012, p.148). Group work is undeniable as one of the most effective ways in helping students in learning.

Past experiences affect decision making (Juliusson, Karlsson, &

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