
College Admissions Essay: A Career In Medicine

Decent Essays

All my life I knew that any career path taken in college travelled by me would be one that led to medicine. There were moments in my life were the option to be a veterinarian and a nurse were in the pot of possible carers, but ultimately I chose doctor and more specifically a surgeon. My life after making this decision has been centered around trying to do anything possible to secure my dream to become a doctor. That includes centering any classes I take in school be focused on mostly science, that also includes working at a hospital, and making sure I make the necessary connections I need to get me further in lie. One of my other interest has always been the brain and how the brain works. The psychology behind the brain and also what parts of the brain make people do and make certain actions. Most of my interests revolve around aspects that have to do with the medical field. These areas are a big interest to me because of my family. When my cousin was around the age of 8, she developed breast cancer. While I was too young to remember exactly what happened at the time, I wasn’t to young to remember the effect it took on her life in all aspects of the word. For example, cancer had affected her …show more content…

The environment of a college is very important to me and seeing as Brown is my dream school it would be a perfect opportunity for me to see if I would like it there. It would show me a glimpse of the future and being at college. I also hope to gain experience from the class I decide to take. Whether it be medical or psychology, I hope to be able to retain the information I learn in the summer and implement the things I learned at school and in my community. If I also take some kind of medical class it would like great for my resume which is a very important take away. There are many importants things I hope to gain but the biggest would definitely be the experience as a

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