
College And Career Readiness Essay

Better Essays

Is STEAM Needed & Relevance of College and Career Readiness

With the globalization of the economy and education, the industries and colleges are looking for well-rounded, experienced students to add to their perspective companies and universities. Secondary schools have focused more on college and career readiness courses than ever before. One major trend in college and career readiness is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, commonly referred to as STEM. An increasing trend to teach these four subjects is introducing the Arts to the classroom. This trend is referred to as STEAM.
Watson, A. and Watson, G, describe STEAM as, “a practical and holistic model that is rooted in economic need, ensuring more relevance with consumers’ experiences. Inclusion of artistic thinking in the education of scientists and engineers improves their ability to create relevant products and services.” (Watson and Watson, 2013) The resulting paradigm shift disrupts the structured, …show more content…

As former Rhode Island School President, John Maeda, noted at the Congressional STEAM caucus kick-off event "Innovation depends on the problem solving, risk taking and creativity that are natural to the way artists and designers think, art and science – once inextricably linked – are better together than apart.” (Ghanbari, 2015)
College and career readiness has been prioritized by “Policymakers and practitioners have learned a great deal from the experiences of the last 25 years and can build on educational improvements accomplished under both Democratic and Republican administrations.” (Darling-Hammond, Wilhoit, & Pittenger, 2014) With such programs as Under the Improving America’s Schools Act and No Child Left Behind. These programs look to make sure all children in the United States get a quality education to help them be able to contribute to society in a positive

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