
College Is Necessary For Success And Survival

Decent Essays

As technology evolves and the price of higher education increases, alternatives to College are considered. Some people don’t believe a college education is necessary to be successful. Instead, they decide to go into business for themselves, using the skills and crafts that they 've developed on their own time to become entrepreneurs. In this day and age, it is easier than ever to learn from the comfort of ones home and actually get a degree in something with a high pay out, such as a real estate license or accounting degrees. But what social skills will be gained from sitting in pajamas on the couch? In college, you not only finish with a degree, you get real world experience. College is necessary for success and survival. In the article “We Send Too Many Students To College,” Marty Nemko feels as though people who are not fit for college attend simply because they feel they have something to prove whether that be to themselves or to their families. He states that people who do not do well in high school should not expect to succeed in college, using the statistic stating that if you were among the bottom 40% of your class, 76 out of 100 will not earn their diploma. Nemko explains how colleges operate as a business, not caring about the success of their students. This explains why colleges result in taking cheap routes to educate their students, including large lecture classes. It is completely understandable that the quality of education does not always match the cost of

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