
Coming Of Age In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro

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During the lectures and readings that we have done on coming of age, I have learned that coming of age is a lot like a milestone in life. It happens when we mature or become more knowledgeable and it can happen no matter what age we are. The story, “Boys and Girls”, by Alice Munro, shows us the perfect example of coming of age and is also a story that left a lasting impression on me because of it feminist aspect of a girl’s life. Coming of age is our minds and bodies evolving into a more mature person. It isn’t based off age, but more of experience and knowledge. Most of the time, coming of age is more profound in the young due to the transition from childhood to adulthood. During this transition, they have their first experience of …show more content…

Even when she knew when they were going to put down her, she had no interest of seeing it happen again, however this time the horse had gotten away from her dad and was running for dear life towards the open gate. Her dad yells at her to run and close the gate, but instead of closing it she opens it widely and lets Flora escape, meanwhile, her brother saw everything. Her father quickly gets in the truck to track down the horse while her brother goes with them. Later on that night they come home with the meat in the truck and while eating her brother tells on her. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed she hides her face and silently agrees with her dad that she is just a girl. At the very end of this story is where the main character goes through coming of age, she realized in everyone’s eyes she would always be a girl. Someone who should be inside the house doing chores and canning food. This is a story that I can relate to, growing up I was a tomboy who was always outside helping my dad from yard work to welding. My grandma was always trying to get me to do chores inside, do my hair, make up and wear a dress. Often, she would tell me that I need to stop acting like a boy and start acting like a girl so I can grow old and get married to a nice young man. It wasn’t until I was in my early twenty’s that I started to dress more like a girl and wear

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