
Communication And Interpersonal Communication : The Art Of Communication

Decent Essays

There were many influential points revealed in the four TED talks about communication skills and deeper ideas of how conversations and ideas affect everyone. The TED talks informed me of things that are important in conversations and noticing your own body language. Communication is powerful because it can change a person if it is used appropriately. The four TED talks includes: Interpersonal Communication, 5 Ways to listen better, Your body language may shape who you are, and TED’s secret to great public speaking. The ideas covered in each video will be summarized and explain how I plan to implement them to help improve my studies and career. Celeste Headlee’s TED talk, “Interpersonal Communication,” discussed ten ways to have a better …show more content…

We are losing our listening because of a noisy world, the technological advances of audio and video recording, personal broadcasting, and media headlines. It is becoming harder for us to pay attention because of all of the world’s noises and the media taking our attention. We need to take time out to be aware of sounds to improve listening which heighten our senses to improve the ability to pay attention. I can improve my own listening by taking a few minutes out of my day to appreciate natural sounds. The suggestions from this TED talk will give me the resources early on so I can start my career off successfully. I personally suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder so these natural resources will improve my studies because I may be better able to pay attention in class without medicines. Amy Cuddy’s TED talk, “Your body language may shape who you are,” discussed how body language is a nonverbal form of communication that people judge others by. Our bodies do change our mind because if we change our body language, we teach and train our minds to change as well. Our bodies change physically and result in the change of the hormones Testosterone and Cortisol which affect the mind. Changing your body’s posture for two minutes can change a person’s mind. You cannot fake it ‘till you make it because if you change your body language, mind, behavior, the

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