
Compare And Contrast Coffee And Coffee

Decent Essays

Luis A. Rodriguez-Martinez
Writing 101
June 20, 2016
Compare and contrast essay
Coffee: Decaf or Caffeinated?
Drinking a cup of coffee has become an essential part of our morning routine. A study by showed that 54% of Americans over the age of 18 drank an average cup size being 9 ounces coffee every day. Coffee consumption has been dated to 10th century Ethiopia, and since then it has evolved alongside the technology of each era. With the introduction of the espresso machine during the French Revolution, more people started to create and mix their coffee into different drinks, ranging from cappuccinos to cocktails. As we know, coffee naturally produces caffeine. During the early 1900’s people wanted to enjoy their coffee flavored drinks but didn’t want the caffeine addiction that came with it. For this reason and motivated by the belief that caffeine had poisoned his father, Ludwig Roselius invented the first commercially successful decaffeination process in 1903. He patented the process by 1906; it was later discovered …show more content…

It takes 3 to 4 years for a newly planted coffee tree to start producing its fruit. Once the berries are collected the race begins. This process has to begin as soon as possible in order to prevent the berries from spoiling and damaging the final taste of the coffee. There are two methods used to process the coffee berries into coffee beans. The dry method or “old method” is used in many countries where water resources are limited. This process reduces the moisture content of the cherries to below 15%. The second method is the wet method, by using this process the beans have to be sun dried until the moisture content is below 11%. After the moisture is reduced, we obtain a green bean that after roasting and grinding, becomes what we find in the shelves of our supermarkets as coffee

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