
Compare And Contrast Fdr And Stalin

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Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Josef Stalin met three times during the Second World War to discuss the strategies and punishments regarding Germany. The Allies were nearing the end of the war in Europe and believed the Pacific would soon end. The United States and Great Britain were convinced that if the Soviet Union attacked Japan, the Pacific war would end. Thus, at the Yalta Conference, which took place in a resort in Crimea, the three leaders decided to finish the war in Europe at the Elbe River in Germany. Aside from the demand of unconditional surrender from Germany, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin discussed the conditions of what would happen when the Soviet Union declares war on Japan. In exchange of the declaration of war …show more content…

After the Soviet Union obtained what they wanted, they slowly attacked Japan, barely keeping their word, in addition, he did not comply to the other conditions. Due to Stalin not keeping his promise at the Yalta conference, the three leaders, Harry S. Truman, Clement Attlee and Josef Stalin, met again at Potsdam. Truman and Attlee were angry at Stalin for breaking the Yalta plans whereas Stalin was angry at Truman and Attlee for secretly working on the Manhattan Project and developing a nuclear bomb. The trust and alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union was broken at the Potsdam conference. As a result, the Cold War started which was filled with mistrust and espionage. Due to the broken alliance and the spying, the Cold War lasted from 1945 to 1991. Within the Cold War, there were many proxy wars and conflicts that arose due to the different opinions and ideas of their governments. The United States believed Capitalist was the right way to govern while the Soviet Union believed in Communism. The different views cause the Berlin wall to be created, the nuclear arms race and different doctrines to be created in which they helped countries that were being

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