
Compare And Contrast Hoover And Fdr

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When the panic of the stock market crash and Great Depression of 1929 set in, fear and speculation were everywhere. How would the problem of the American people be solved? Who could solve it? When would the solution come? Many wanted to find an answer; many needed to. In the life-or-death situation, two major political figures rose from the chaos with their own answers: Herbert Hoover, the president at the time, and FDR. Their ideas differed greatly, however, focusing on the people and the government, respectively. FDR’s plan and political presence came out on top in the end. Herbert Hoover was the president at the beginning of the Great Depression and had to come up with some solution to his nation’s problem. In his plan, he described a plan of action focusing on citizens to solve the dilemma. He proposed great amounts of volunteering to bring the nation from depression, choosing to majorly stay away from government intervention. In his ideas, the government couldn’t solve the problem any more than they could make it worse, deepening the country’s debts. As president of the United States, his plan was the first to truly be considered; however, the plan did not appear to suffice as the …show more content…

He felt that a hands-on approach from the government, one that had been avoided in earlier history, was necessary. Leaving the nation’s fate to the citizens’ volunteering wouldn’t work; after all, it hadn’t in the past. In its place, Roosevelt created agencies and programs to push the nation up instead of trusting it to lift itself. His plan, the so-called “new deal” would essentially reform America’s financial systems. His actual plan described relief for citizens out of work, the recovery of the nation’s business and economy, and the reformation of American economic institutions. He was quick to act, and acted thoroughly, focusing on the government’s intervention over the public’s volunteerism and

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