
Compare And Contrast Judaism And Islam

Decent Essays

Islam and Judaism are known as the two biggest religions in the world. There are about 1.6 million Muslims and approximately 21.7 million Jews. Each religion has a plethora of similarities and differences that help to shape each religion into what it is today. Both religions share the common belief in one God, although the Muslims called their God, Allah. However, these two religions differ because of their belief systems. Jews believe in a divine revelation as opposed to Muslims who believe in a prophet as the basis for their worship. Both of these religions are complicated in their own ways, but each religion is important to understand and learn about. Judaism and Islam have many similarities as well as differences and shows the complexity and value of each religion as people view it today. …show more content…

Islam was thus born and Mohammad wrote about the revelations into a book that is known today as the Qur’an. Within the Qur’an, there are many stories about how Muslims are supposed to live their lives and the way it guides them to the divine revelation. There are five pillars of practice in Islam and must be taken seriously in order to be considered a true Muslim. The first pillar is the testimony of faith which means that there is only one God and no one else besides him. The second pillar is prayer and Muslims pray five times a day and face towards Mecca each time they pray. The third pillar is giving or zakat, which is when Muslims give to the poor and those less fortunate. The fourth pillar is fasting during the month of Ramadan. The last and final pillar is the pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims must make at least once in their life. Islam is a respected religion and just like Judaism is still practiced

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