
Compare And Contrast Republicans And Democrats

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“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Those were some very wise words spoken by Abraham Lincoln in 1858. It’s amazing how true it is today. The media is constantly at war. Republicans versus Democrats. Conservatives versus Liberals. It never seems to stop! All of the ads advertising elections aren’t so much advertisements, but insulting the other. “This person supports Obamacare” or “This person raised taxes”. It seems as if it never ends. Republicans and Democrats are very different. Conservative Republicans support moral values such as traditional marriage, anti-abortion, freedom of religion, support of the middle class, small government, and the protection of the constitution. On the other hand, however, Liberal Democrats support …show more content…

Honestly, Liberal Democrats can talk all they want, but they make some pretty stupid decisions. Homosexuality is a highly disturbing moral issue. There’s a reason for the male gender, and the female gender. They are supposed to come together as one flesh. I like to say that God made Adam and EVE, not Adam and STEVE. Democrats also support abortion- the gruesome murder of a fetus inside the womb. I would love for a democrat to try and tell me that this doesn’t sound like murder: “The fetus literally doubles in size between the 11th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. Soft cartilage hardens into bone at 16 weeks, making the fetus too large and strong to pass through a suction tube. The D & E procedure begins by inserting laminaria a day or two before the abortion, opening the cervix wide to accommodate the larger fetal size. The abortionist then both tears and cuts the fetus and uses the vacuum machine to extract its remains. Because the skull is too large to be suctioned through the tube, it must be crushed by forceps for removal. Pieces must be extracted very carefully because the jagged, sharp pieces of the broken skull could easily

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