
Compare And Contrast The 1900 Hurricane In Galveston

Decent Essays

Cory Trimble

The 1900 Hurricane in Galveston destroyed a majority of the towns infrastructure and killed a significant amount of the population. One of the main reasons behind the level of devastation was do to the fact that the city was not at all prepared to face a storm as large as the one that hit in 1900, the city had a very low elevation with its highest point being only 9 feet above the sea level, and had very little if any means of protection from Hurricanes(1.). By 1900 Galveston had already been hit with several destructive storms in the past but they were not severe enough for the citizens of Galveston to start making more efforts to curb the potential damage a larger storm could have in the future and thus do to something on a …show more content…

It is a fair comparison as both cities were left devastated and many people were left wondering how each city would recover and what the future would hold for each city. One major difference between the two in regards to how the government responded to the disasters is that in 2005 when Katrina hit there were federal disaster relief agencies in place to help with just that type of natural disaster where as in Galveston in 1900 there was pretty much no help from the federal government and everything was being coordinated at a local level. But perhaps the biggest difference between the two is that during Hurricane Katrina it was known well ahead of time that the storm was coming and roughly where it was going to hit the hardest, in Galveston one of the major failings was no one knew exactly what was going to happen and it was at one point predicted that the storm would not even hit Galveston and that they should only be prepared for high winds and some rain(3)(2), because of this New Orleans during Katrina had the advantage of being prepared for disaster while Galveston was struck by surprise. The initial efforts made to clean up each city differed in that Galveston put a lot more of its focus toward preparing defenses against future storms by attempting to raise the city above sea level as much as it could as well as building a wall to keep water out of the city where as New …show more content…

New Orleans on the other hand is usually seen as a prime example of the shortcomings of Federal aid agencies in disaster relief and the subsequent recovery was much slower and costly, requiring Billions in assistance. At first it may seem like this is a clear cut case of the Federal government being and expensive failure and local government thriving when left alone but I would argue that the cities were facing vastly different circumstances during each of their natural disasters and that comparing them isn't so clear cut. First take into consideration the population difference between the two. New Orleans had well over 10 times the population of 1900 Galveston, with over 10 times the amount of people being effected by the storm it is not surprise that responding to the needs of that many people during a natural disaster would be far more costly to deal with than with the much smaller population in Galveston. The type of government Galveston created after the disaster also work so well in part do to the number of people that it was governing. A city of less than thirty thousand people is very small by today's standards, that's around the number of people Galveston would have had after the storm, it is my believe one reason that the reason the government of the

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