
Comparing The AFL And The Populist Party

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“ there are two classes in society, one incessantly striving to obtain the labor of the other class for as little as possible, and to obtain the largest amount or number of hours of labor”. The United States of America by the dawn of the 20th century was the home of opportunity and economic prosperity to people around the world, a place where the average person could with hard work and dedication rise above his socio economic status. While the united states may have been perceived as the land of opportunity to foreigner’s, people actually living in the united states might have not seen it in that light. By the late 19th century economic difficulties increased for the working class people of the united states such as industrial workers and farmers. With politicians constantly failing their constituents and turning a blind eye to corruption in order to expand their pockets, a new political party arises that promises hope and change to an American population wary of the same politicians. political parties such as the populist party arise along with other historical figures who helped shape and reform this country. The populist party was a party of reform for the common citizens, a party that planned to restore democracy and economic opportunity to a country facing …show more content…

Both the AFL and the Populist party had to take personal action to get the reforms that they needed through strikes and political platform these movements. For Samuel Gompers and the AFL in order to get better working conditions it was important for them to unite and work as a team to to combat against their employer. The populist party along with the AFL also came about, due to politicians choosing not to hear the cries of the working class and their conditions. Instead these politicians decided to ignore the struggle of the working class until they eventually stood up for

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