
Comparing The Epic Gilgamesh And Navajo Flood Myth

Decent Essays

Myths were created to explain the inexplicable, and to emphasize the power of a God or Goddess. There are some myths that are part of religious traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. Flood myths were most likely created to scare people or to tell people how God or Gods gave them a do-over. Despite bearing some minor similarities the differences between the Bible, The Epic Gilgamesh, and Navajo flood story are clear.
In each of these stories there was a great flood. In the flood story in the Bible the purpose was to kill all air-breathing animals and all the sinful humans that lived on land. In the Bible Noah was told to build an ark and take his family and two of each animal with him. The flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh had a very similar reason but the Gods were meaning to kill human and animal. Ea tells Utnapishtim to build a boat and take only himself and two of each animal, but he ends up taking his workers, family, and a lot of things that he was not suppose to. In the Navajo flood story the flood was not to kill all of mankind, it was to get the sea monsters baby back. Unlike the first …show more content…

In the Bible the reason God sent the flood was because he saw that there was a lot of sinful things in the world and he was upset. He saw that Noah and his family were the only ones that stayed true to want God wanted in his people. In the Epic of Gilgamesh the Gods and Goddesses saw that the people in the earth were evil and they decided that they wanted to completely restart the world and kill every human and animal. Ea went against the other Gods and told Utnapishtim in a dream to build a boat because he saw something in Utnapishim that was not in other people. In the Navajo flood story the Gods did not send the flood to kill the people or to restart the world. The flood happened in this story because the coyote stole the sea monsters baby, and the sea monster wanted his baby

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