
Comparing Zhengming's And Tang Yin

Decent Essays

Similarities in Wen Zhengming’s and Tang Yin’s can mostly be attributed to the influence of Confucian ideals. Wen Zhengming was a “wen-jen,” meaning he was “a scholar well versed in the classics, poetry, and history” (Scarce 417). Similar to Confucianism, they both have the aesthetic of “integrity and sincerity” and “spontaneity and simplicity” (Scarce 417). Spontaneity is reflected in Wen Zhengming’s calligraphy when the characters vary in thickness. For example, the first character down from the fourth column from the right is thick and vertical. However, the sixth character down from the fifth column from the right is thin and horizontal. These contrasting qualities exemplify the spontaneity and expression in Wen Zhengming’s calligraphy. …show more content…

Although Tang Yin’s calligraphy is not as simplistic, there are still a few characters that reflect the same Confucian ideals. For example, although the third character down from the sixth column from the right has several strokes, the style of it is still simple because the lines do not connect and is written clearly. Tang Yin’s also shows reflects Confucian values of “integrity and sincerity,” which refer to good morals (Scare 417). In “The Human Body as a Microcosmic source of Macrocosmic Values in Calligraphy,” John Hay explain, “calligraphy by those good in brush strength has much bone” (85). People who have good bone are moral and reflect Confucian ideals. This is evident in some of Tang Yin’s characters, such as the last character on the first column from the right and fourth character down from the fourth column from the right. Both have a strong vertical emphasis, and they resemble the spine and strong bones of a human

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