
Competitive Strategy Of An Organization

Decent Essays

Competitive strategy of an organisation that operates in an industry
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It describes about the competitive strategies of a monopolistic market of a firm called United Supemarkets.In a monopolistic market there are many firms producing the similar product.So it is of utmost important to generate a product or the services so as to have a competitive advantage of a particular firm over the another firm.In this essay I have recommended various strategies so the firm can generate more revenue through the sale of products by following the particular strategies. Competitive Strategy of an Organisation that operates in an Industry
Competitive strategy of an organisation involves generating a competitive advantage, increase the loyalty of the customer and beat competitors. In short it can be said that it is a move to bring more customers, retaining the competitive pressure and strengthen an organisation market’s position.
There is a unique competitive balance between the firms in every industry. Some of the industry have a single firm while the other have thousands of companies competing for the common product. These composition constitute the market structure. Market structure is basically the number of competitive firms producing the identical product.
For the present analysis of competitive strategy of an organisation, I have chosen organisation called United Supermarkets. The company is a supermarket grocery store chain which is an

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