
Completing assigned tasks in the army

Decent Essays

The importance of completing assigned tasks in the military is forged in basic training, back in reception when you are handed your blue book. It is stated in the warrior ethos: I will never quit, I will never accept defeat. Total obedience is hammered into our brains through physical and mental stress and tasks that are assigned are expected to be completed without a second thought running through my head. The chain of command and for that matter the entire military is fundamentally built upon total obedience; if a superior tells you to do something you do it, without question. Not completing an assigned task associates down to the basic ground level that is visualized in the warrior ethos that was handed down to you by your Drill …show more content…

Sensitive items are important and are attractive to the wrong kind of people who like to steal them and use them with malicious intent. Therefore, it requires a greater degree of control and accountability. If a military personnel were to lose accountability of a military weapon, that weapon could make it’s way over to the enemies hands on where they can duplicate and get ideas on how the our weapons are made and create improved weapons. Leaving your identification card unsecured could result in your identity being stolen and could grant access to sensitive material such as dates of deployments, how many personnel are in a platoon, or how to operate military equipment. The importance of focusing and using the four fundamentals of Basic Rifle Marksmanship while qualifying. Basic rifle marksmanship is important and also is worth promotion points. If you can’t hit the target how will you be able to defend yourself, your fellow soldiers, and your country. If you slack of during basic rifle marksmanship and don’t take it seriously, you will be poorly prepared if you were downrange in a life threatening situation. As I stated above not completing tasks or slacking off in pushing out those last few repetitions of pushups or sprinting that last stretch on your run, keeping accountability of sensitive items, following orders given to you by your superior so chaos will not follow, not focusing and

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