
Computer Hardware And Its Impact On The Java Language And Java Development Kit Essay

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At first, Java was made for television but that technology didn’t keep up with the innovation. The java language was initially called Oak. Sun Microsystems is the first company to use Java by 1995 . Java’s goals are “familiar, simple, and object oriented”, “secure and robust”, “portable and architecture neutral”, “dynamic, threaded, and interpreted”, and “high performance”. A computer consists both software and hardware. Hardware includes the physical, visible elements of the computer. Software provides the hiding instructions that control the hardware and make it process specific tasks. Having knowledge of computer hardware is not essential to learning a programming, although it can help you understand the effects which programming instructions have on the computer and its components. Bytecode is used for many modern programming languages. The most important advantage of bytecode is the portability. Instead of machine code, the bytecode is run by the Java Virtual Machine. Java Runtime Environment and Java Development Kit are important. You can think of car, a chair, or speaking of computers, a screen when you hear the word “object” in your everyday life. Objects in programming languages usually perform one complex function and have a state and a behavior. The main method is defined as public static void return type. There are two data types in the Java language: primitive and reference. The primitive types are able to contain one simple value whereas reference data types

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