
Computer Languages And Programming Frameworks

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INRODUCTION Early accounting software was bespoke, painstakingly handcrafted literally byte by byte over the course of months. While it represented an obvious step forward from employing hordes of people chugging away on adding machines and carrying stacks of paper all over the place, there was still a great deal of room for improvement. As time passed, computer capacity grew to enable the use of higher-level development tools. These allowed people to define and encode business rules without needing to understand everything down to the basic wiring of the machine. True computer languages and programming frameworks followed. Probably the first report generation “language” was developed in 1959 for the IBM 7090 and known as “9PAC”. At the time, storing and accessing structured data on computers was still in its infancy, and some concepts from 9PAC formed key parts of the development of early relational databases. Throughout the 1960s, companies invested in producing proprietary accounting systems tailored to their particular requirements. Jobs would be run in “batch” mode, often overnight, with only a select few permitted to see or access the computer directly (frequently, this did not even include the programmers!) However, computers continued to grow in capability, and the idea of building one generalized application with flexible features which could be customized to each client’s needs became reality in 1973 with the introduction of SAP RF. Over time SAP’s product

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