
Conflict Theory Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

In this theory analysis, I will discuss two theories to explain why officers commit callous acts, why they tend to use excessive force against certain types of citizens and why there are only a few officers who perform these acts. Over the years police departments have received a considerable amount of public scrutiny due to their use of excessive force. As discussed before, police serve a vital part in society as prosecutors; however, police brutality is very common. One may ask, why do some law enforcement officers participate in abusive behavior against citizens, despite knowing their obligation to ensure the public safety? Using two theories, social conflict and control balance I will attempt answer that question.
Conflict Theory derives from the ideas of Karl Marx, who saw humanity as a ground of disparity that generates conflict and social change (Delisi, 2002, …show more content…

Since this paper’s main focus is police brutality we will focus on deviance. Deviance includes “acts that the majority of some group disapproves of or that typically brings about pejorative collective reactions, including actions by officials who act on behalf of a group (Ruiz, 2008).” In this theory it expresses that a person commits deviant acts when they have access to too much or too little control (Kane, 2012).
Analyzing police misconduct using control balance theory has been studied by Hickman and his colleagues. Hickman attempted to conceptualize and operationalize the theory key concepts and empirically test it in the context of police use of excessive force (Kane, 2012). Hickman and his associate’s surveyed Philadelphia police officers in order to test whether the control ratio of individual officers influences their probability of reporting their fellow officer who engaged in illicit behavior. The results of this study supported Control Balance

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