
Conflictism In Light In August By William Faulkner

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People say time heals all wounds and fixes every issue. But, as time goes by, disputes and oppressiveness within society seem to worsen. However, we must always remember that every external issue starts from within. In his book, Light In August, William Faulkner describes society from different points of view. Something peculiar in Faulkner’s book is that all its characters are outcasts in their own way. This represents the fact that every human being has felt like a wallflower at least once. Light in August is plotted in Jefferson, Mississippi during the 1920’s. The time period sets the stage for a harsh and emotionally detached atmosphere, where people reject everything that defies the normal. Time has clearly not healed or abolished the oppressiveness the novel describes, thus concepts like racism still remain, not only in the South, …show more content…

Throughout the novel, the main character, Joe Christmas, seems to be battling against the current of time and society. Not only is he socially rejected, but also his haunting and repressive memories do not seem to set him free. By being a prisoner of his past, Christmas outcasts himself.
Knowing a character’s past is extremely important when discussing his or her present. However, Joe Christmas’s past remains partly blurry. The first thing the reader learns about the main character is that he is an orphan, without a real name. The only thing people know about him is that he was left in the orphanage on Christmas. Parents are supposed to be one’s first representation of love, which as an orphan, Joe Christmas clearly lacks. This obviously starts the string of rejection and betrayal that Joe Christmas will experience later on in life. Besides his lack of love, another thing the reader finds out about Christmas is that he is a mixture both black and white races. The fact that he feels alienated and rejected by both races makes the reader infer that his racial uncertainty is one of the main

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